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Roastin', Toastin', Boastin'
Chainsaws, Ginormous, & Buzzsaws
Did we mention there's chainsaws?
Fe Fi Fo Flak
It's not cheating, it's MFL-approved
Best apocalyptic skies in The MFL
Legally leading with the helmet
Ready to rumble at the Mayhem Bowl
Another fail at stopping The Beast
From QB Hustle Killsome's POV

"The carnage inflicted is thoroughly entertaining..."
                                                                                                                                                                     --- Bryan Wiedey, Sporting News

Bomb Shady
The Beast
Ghoulio Bones
Slay Wrathspews
Ohell Wreckem Jr
Wham Neutron
Hambonio Crown
Airbourne Dodgers
The Shermanator
Von Killer
Nuke Freakly
Nefarious Comet

"...for a $20 release Mutant Football League delivers

where many other sports games do not."
                                                                                                                                                                     --- Paul Rosselli, Gaming Age

Hell-Spawned Demons
Rampaging Werewolves
Mutant Super-Humans
Blitzkrieg the Orc
Deadhead Receiver
Gothic Stadium Sideline
HUD Design Winner
Deadhead Pass
Deadhead Running
Gothic Stadium Field
Gothic Stadium Perspective
Gothic Stadium Scoreboard
3-Point Stance
Three Character Sizes
Spiked Helmet Angles
Deadhead Uniform
Spiked Helmet Sides
Troll Triplettes
Troll 1
Troll 2
Troll 3
Troll 4
Troll 5
Troll Gonnamaulu
Number of the Beast Mode
Orc Front

The MUTANT FOOTBALL LEAGUE® game is a work of parody and is not affiliated with, and not endorsed or sponsored by, the National Football League or the National Football League Players Association.


© 2017-2025 Digital Dreams Entertainment Inc.
MUTANT FOOTBALL LEAGUE, MFL, the MUTANT FOOTBALL LEAGUE logo and the MFL logo are trademarks of Digital Dreams Entertainment Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
All rights reserved.


Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo. "PlayStation Family Mark", "PlayStation", "PS5 logo", "PS5", "PS4 logo", "PS4", "PlayStation Shapes Logo" and "Play Has No Limits" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. The Xbox Sphere mark and Xbox One are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. ©2024 Valve Corporation. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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